This past year ended with a bang. Wow! From leaving my home in Paris, giving up my apartment and selling all my belongings to buying a one-way ticket around the world. The year has been full of changes and transformations all for the better. Looking back, every fear I had seems somewhat trivial because now I look to the future with so much excitement as to what's coming next.
The decision to pack up my life in Paris was not one that I took lightly. In fact, I agonised over it for months. I could see my year before me looking somewhat like the year behind me. And that didn't feel right. Still packing up a life that I once dreamed off seemed crazy. It was only five years before where I left London, hopped on a Eurostar to Paris searching for my Parisian dream without a job or a place to live. I had succeeded and it felt time to close that chapter in my life, moving onto the next.
So I packed up my bags and off I went. Again.
This time to Asia and then to South America. In 2018, I visited 8 countries and one entirely new continent. From Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia to Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia.
That's 9 months of travel. Moving from France back to the UK. Oh... Did I mention my brother got married too?
For me 2018 was about testing the waters. Would I like full time travel? Is there a way to work online and travel? Will I regret spending my savings to afford this life style?
The fact that I'm still travelling at this very moment in a cute co-working space in Medellin, still without a return ticket pretty much answers that. I don't earn an income from my travels online so everything is self funded. Regrets?
Nope. None at all.
I'm more motivated than ever. Inspired and excited. Heading into 2019 I have so many more plans. Finishing up in Colombia and maybe head to Eastern Europe for the first time. New Zealand is on the cards too given my new found hiking addiction.
Anyway, here's a summary of 2018. My year of diving into unknown waters and travelling the world.
Did I mention I packed up and left my life in France?
Here's a picture from the day I left. After five years of accumulating stuff. I was finally prepared to let go. Let go of a life style that was no longer serving me, as amazing as it was to live in Paris.
Empty apartment Paris
My empty apartment in Paris
I also turn 30 in February and spent the week celebrating at home with friends and family. Everyone says your 30s are soooo much better than your 20s. With big changes happening, I couldn't wait to find out!
I dream of Bali.
Bali was full of beautiful villas, magical sunsets, pristine beaches, imposing volcanoes, amazing food and much more. Yet something inside of me didn't feel right. I had originally planned to launch my online business in Bali however somehow the travel itch took over and I moved on to Lombok and the Komodo Islands, never looking back.
As dreamy as Bali was in places, it Canggu + Seminyak just weren't for me. I couldn't wait to explore the rest of Indonesia.
Climbing Mount Batur at Sunrise
And off I went. Starting with the Komodo Islands working my way around the island of Flores. One of the highlights of my time in Asia! Those Komodo Dragons were literally like dinosaurs walking this earth. The beaches were heavenly. The sea crystal clear.
Crystal clear waters!
Lombok proved to be a little gem for pristine beaches! Ending my month with a scooter accident, I ended up staying in Lombok far longer than intended.
But who can complain?!
Gorgeous beaches in Lombok
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Foooood was what bought me to Malaysia. And I was right to stop off for a few days! I'll definitely be heading back to Malaysia for more foodie adventures but for the time being, yoga in Thailand was on the cards.
Loving the local food in Kuala Lumpur
Back in the UK, it was great to be home for the summer and welcome family for my brother's wedding. In typical Bengali fashion, we ate a heck of a lot of food and loved every minute!
My little bungalow in Thailand
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After faffing about for what felt like an eternity over where I should head to in South America and even if I should head to South America, I bought a one way ticket to Buenos Aires.
Totally freaked out I began packing and naively stepped foot into South America, VERY unprepared for winter!
After 10 days of a very cold Buenos Aires, I postponed my plans to go to Patagonia and instead headed north to the Iguazu Falls and Salta.
Iguazu Falls Argentina Brazil | Oops I Booked Again
Iguazu Falls from the Brazilian side
I surprised myself by staying a month in Salta in the wonderful company of the Accueillant hostel. One of my favourite months getting to know all things Argentinian and even becoming a lover of meat!
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September came round and it was time to leave my home away from home in Argentina. I hastily crossed the border into Bolivia on a very sketchy overnight bus across into Tupiza.
Bolivia felt like another world, that it's hard to believe that Argentina are just across the border. Not only did the altitude pose an issue but I became sick for the first time in Lake Titicaca which forced me to abandon any plans and head back to La Paz.
One of my favourite cities in Bolivia, if not South America has got to be Sucre. I was lucky enough to be there during festival season and spend my evenings celebrating on the streets watching parades of performers dancing down the streets.
Bolivia was a fairly inexpensive country to travel in but as a month went by I could feel I was ready to move on. By far one of the highlights of my trip to Bolivia has to be the salt flats tour. Riding through endless miles of salt desert was incredible. I had never seen anything like it in my life and no way could have imagined the extraordinary beauty and landscapes.
Canapa Lake
Salar de Uyuni
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Making my way from Bolivia to the Atacama Desert in Chile, I once again zig zagged on my travel plans and decided to head straight to Peru instead of heading south to Patagonia.
Not that I was trying to put off Patagonia, but I felt that October would still be relatively cold or below freezing shall we say... On the other hand, heading to Peru made perfect sense in October as November would be the start of the rainy season.
Valle de la Luna
So that's what I did. At least my plan was full proof until the rainy season came early to Peru. *Sigh*
Peru was stunning in every way possible. From the crystal mountain tops, thundering glaciers, lagoons the most beautiful shade of blue, smooth sand dunes and not to mention one incredible trek to Machu Picchu.
The Salkantay Mountain
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I left Peru after six weeks with a somewhat heavy heart. Wanting to head to Patagonia before the start of the high season in January, I cut my time in Peru somewhat short but sweet. Not before sliding down sand dunes and hiking the Colca Canyon.
Enter Patagonia.
Or not quite yet...
I flew from Lima to Santiago and decided to give myself a bit of a breather. Peru had been physically quite demanding and I knew Patagonia would be somewhat the same. Ten days by a pool and gym, hiking the cerros of Santiago were just what I needed.
And maybe there was one other reason.
Decathlon. Having learnt my lesson in Peru where I hiked the Salkantay Trek very unprepared, I picked up some bargain waterproof hiking boots at £35 from decathlon. Oh, and they're really comfy too! With thermal trousers and top, socks and a camel pack all for under £50, bargain!
Entering Patagonia through Punta Arenas, I spent a day chilling with penguins before heading to Puerto Natales.
Santiago from above
December covered one region. Patagonia. The highlight of my whole year and quite possibly my life. This month was extraordinary!
Hiking the W Circuit solo as a fairly inexperienced hiker has got to be one of my achievements of 2018. Nervous about going ahead with this trek, I trusted my gut and said yes to a last-minute opening.
It was scary, thrilling, exhausting, freezing, sweaty, fun, painful and one of the most amazing things I've done in my life.
Torres de Paine
Giving myself one whole day of rest in Puerto Natales, I headed to El Calafate. Never did I ever think I would be trekking on a glacier in Patagonia but I did just that!
It was frickin' amazing!
The purest water on earth. The colours of the blue rivers flowing through the glaciers were just incredible. It's a strange feeling to be walking on ice, you almost feel like a penguin waddling along.
El Chalten has got to be my number one place in South America. A hikers heaven, this little town became the heart of Patagonia for me. With incredible hikes on your doorstep, I could have spent days longer exploring the region.
As Christmas was looming, I decided to move on to El Hoyo and spend Christmas hiking in Bariloche. Truly one of the most incredible months of my life. Oh and the sunsets in Bariloche are to die for!!
Finishing up the year in Buenos Aires, it was almost the perfect end to the year, coming full circle to the city where my South American adventures started.
I ended the year with one epic high and toasted 2019 with one heck of a smile!
Laguna de Los Tres
If I've learnt one thing over the past year, it's to trust my gut and listen to my intuition. In 2019, I definitely plan to travel more finishing my trip in South America with Uruguay, Colombia and maybe even Aruba.
A career move is also on the cards.
I'm planning on making my 2019 another epic year exploring the world and heading into unknown territories.